Jun 30, 2017 | General
https://www.pluginvulnerabilities.com/2017/06/30/what-happened-with-wordpress-plugin-vulnerabilities-in-june-2017/If you want the best information and therefore best protection against vulnerabilities in WordPress plugins we provide you that through our service. Here...
Jun 30, 2017 | General
http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/sucuri/blog/~3/V1-MOPuQhwA/sql-injection-vulnerability-wp-statistics.html As part of a vulnerability research project for our Sucuri Firewall, we have been auditing popular open source projects looking for security issues. While working...
Jun 30, 2017 | General
https://www.pluginvulnerabilities.com/2017/06/30/vulnerability-details-reflected-cross-site-scripting-xss-vulnerability-in-event-calendar-wd/From time to time a vulnerability is fixed in a plugin without the discoverer putting out a report on the vulnerability and we...
Jun 29, 2017 | General
https://www.pluginvulnerabilities.com/2017/06/29/wordpress-plugin-security-review-google-xml-sitemaps/For our twelfth security review of a plugin based on the voting of our customers, we reviewed the plugin Google XML Sitemaps. If you are not yet a customer of...
Jun 29, 2017 | General
https://www.pluginvulnerabilities.com/2017/06/29/reflected-cross-site-scripting-xss-vulnerability-in-brute-force-login-protection/Far too often we have found that security companies are spreading false information related to the security of WordPress. One of the most...
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