Okt 31, 2017 | General
https://secupress.me/blog/wordpress-4-8-3-security-release/Today is a spooky day for WordPress, releasing a new security fix directly related to the last vulnerability fixed in 4.8.2. Anthony Ferrara warned the security team on 19th september and was very patient...
Okt 31, 2017 | General
https://www.pluginvulnerabilities.com/2017/10/31/this-person-shouldnt-be-writing-a-book-about-dealing-with-hacked-websites/One of the things we do to keep track of vulnerabilities in WordPress plugins is to monitor the Support Forum for topics that might discuss...
Okt 31, 2017 | General
https://www.pluginvulnerabilities.com/2017/10/31/vulnerability-details-reflected-cross-site-scripting-xss-vulnerability-anti-malware-security-and-brute-force-firewall/From time to time a vulnerability is fixed in a plugin without the discoverer putting out a report on...
Okt 31, 2017 | General
https://wpvulndb.com/vulnerabilities/8941 Source: Security Feed
Okt 31, 2017 | General
https://pagely.com/blog/2017/10/security-haiku-wordpress-4-8-3/ Security Haiku: WordPress 4.8.3 WordPress Halloween. We patch the tricks, 4 8 3 You get the treats. Boo! There is nothing spookier than a WordPress security release, the 4.8.3 patch addresses an SQL...