Mrz 25, 2020 | General
Episode 71: Hackers Targeting COVID-19 Fears With many of us under either lockdown or shelter-in-place orders due to the COVID-19/Corona virus, fear and stress are rampant. This additional stress lowers our critical thinking capabilities and increases our...
Mrz 24, 2020 | General fourth release candidate for WordPress 5.4 is live! WordPress 5.4 is currently scheduled to land on March 31 2020, and we need your help to get there—if you haven’t tried 5.4 yet, now...
Mrz 24, 2020 | General
Vulnerabilities Patched in the Data Tables Generator by Supsystic Plugin A few weeks ago, we disclosed several flaws that were patched in the Pricing Table by Supsystic plugin. On January 20th, our Threat Intelligence team discovered several similar vulnerabilities...
Mrz 23, 2020 | General Votre site Web WordPress redirige-t-il les utilisateurs vers des sites inconnus et non sécurisés? Si oui, votre site Web pourrait être piraté . De telles attaques de...
Mrz 20, 2020 | General powers a lot of websites on the Internet. So it’s no surprise that seasoned attackers and “script-kiddies” like to target WordPress websites. Whether you’re a...
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