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We are happy to announce the release of update 1.2.0 for Admin Notices Manager. This update sees the introduction of a number of new features, improvements to existing functionality, and a bug fix, designed to improve the management of admin notices.

Now let’s dive right in and see all the new features and improvements in update 1.2 of the Admin Notices Manager plugin.

New features

Admin Notices Manager is designed to help you manage admin notices in an easy-to-use, unobtrusive interface.

By installing the Admin Notices Manager plugin, you can ensure you do not miss any important notifications, without letting the notices you don’t want to see get in your way. To this end, we are introducing a number of new features designed to help you streamline the process of managing notices.

Admin Notices Manager plugin

Better visibility of the admin notices

The plugin now includes an option to hide specific admin notices permanently. Through signatures, the plugin can recognize which notices are the same and hide the ones that you don’t want to see.

Admin notices timestamp

With each admin notice, the plugin will also report the date and time the notification was received, allowing you to pick up where you left off without having to scroll through all the available notices.

Categorized admin notices

WordPress uses four different colours to highlight the severity level of the admin notices. These are:

  • Green – Success
  • Red – Error
  • Yellow/Orange – Warning
  • Blue – Informational

With this update, the plugin sorts the admin notices and displays them starting with the most important ones first, rather than as they appear. This change allows for you to first read the important messages without having to  scroll through the admin notices.

If you are not very familiar with the types and purpose of these messages, read our introduction to WordPress admin notices for more information on what they are and how they work.


We have also made some improvements to improve existing plugin functionality while ensuring better performance and ease of use.

  • All plugin data residing in the database is entirely removed upon uninstallation of the plugin
  • Improvements to the readability of admin notices
  • We have included an option to view admin notices in a sidebar instead of a popup window.

For a complete and detailed list of what’s new and improved in this update, refer to the Admin Notices Manager plugin changelog.

Update to the latest version Admin Notices Manager today

While admin notices can be obtrusive, they can also contain important information. Using the latest Admin Notices Manager plugin, you can make sure you can manage them effectively while staying informed of important events.

Better manage your WordPress admin notices by installing the latest update of Admin Notices Manager.

Download Admin Notices Manager

The post Admin Notices Manager 1.2: Better visibility of the notices & more new features appeared first on WP White Security.

Source: Security Feed

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