We are happy to announce update 2.4.1 of the Password Policy Manager for WordPress plugin. This update includes several new features and housekeeping updates designed to improve the plugin’s functionality, usability, and performance.
Let’s dive right in to see what is new and improved in this update of our password security plugin for WordPress.
What’s new?
With update 2.4.1, we have sought to include additional security features designed to keep WordPress administrators informed and in control with the least amount of effort. With security becoming an increasingly important topic, we recognize that administrators need more robust tools to keep their websites safe, which this update provides.
Weekly summary email: Administrators can now configure the plugin to send a weekly email with a password activity summary, highlighting inactivity lockouts, failed logins, and password resets.
Stop password reset requests: Anyone who knows a user’s email address can request a password reset link. This can present certain risks if the user’s email is compromised. As such, we have now included an option that allows administrators to stop password reset links from being sent. Instead, a custom message is displayed. The message is also customizable.
Configurable user role’s password policy priority: WordPress administrators rely on multiple plugins to extend the functionality of their WordPress. Many of these plugins come with their own roles, so it is normal for a user on big websites to have more than one role. This leads to possible conflicts when applying password policies. With this update, administrators can prioritize policies by role. Users with multiple roles will automatically inherit the policy with the highest priority.
Other noteworthy updates
This release also includes several other updates to improve the user experience of website administrators and users alike. These include:
- Several UX improvements for a cleaner user interface and ease of use
- Password policy hints and their format in the password reset forms have been standardized and improved
For a complete list of what is new, improved and fixed refer to the plugin’s changelog.
Update to 2.4.1 for better password security
Apart from being the most recent and reliable version of this plugin, update 2.4.1 features the weekly password security email. With this email you can keep abreast of the state of the password security on your website. You will know which user accounts were locked due to failed logins or inactivity, and which users have reset their passwords.
This and much more is available in update 2.4.1 of the Password Policy Manager for WordPress. Download a free 7-day trial to get started with strong WordPress password security.
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Source: Security Feed