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We are happy to announce update 3.2.4 of WP Security Audit Log, the first activity log plugin to fully support Gutenberg, the new WordPress editor. In this update we also included other new features and improvements. This post highlights what is new and improved in this update of the most comprehensive activity log plugin for WordPress.

Activity Logs for Gutenberg

Gutenberg plugin logoComprehensive activity logs is what sets WP Security Audit Log apart from other activity log plugins for WordPress. And the same value proposition was kept for Gutenberg. So the plugin will not just keep a log that a post has been updated, but it will keep a log of what exactly changed.

Whether you are using the Gutenberg or the Classic editor, the activity log plugin will keep a log of what has changed. So in the activity logs you can see the post content changes the user has done, or if they changed the URL, visibility, status, added tags, changed categories or any other type of post change.

Daily Activity Log Highlights Email from Your WordPress Site

The activity log of a busy WordPress site or multisite network can have thousands of events per day, so it is not possible to get a high level overview of what has happened during the day. So in this new update of WP Security Audit Log we included a new daily WordPress activity log digest email, which is sent automatically to the administrator.

The email notification can be disabled and the list of recipients can also changed. For more detailed information on this feature refer to the daily activity log digest email from your WordPress sites.

New UI and Settings for Users Sessions Management Module

See who is logged in to your WordPress site

Since version 2.3 we have been focusing on making WP Security Audit Log plugin easier to use, so users do not have to be familiar with security and activity logs to use the plugin. So far we have updated all the plugin’s settings, added new help text, developed a new startup wizard and much more.

In this update we have revamped the settings and the UI of the users sessions management features for WordPress. We have changed the settings text and added new help text, making the settings much easier to understand.

Other Highlights from Update 3.2.4

In this update of our activity log plugin for WordPress we have also included the following features and updates:

  • New admin bar notification with the latest event from the activity log
  • Updated the order of the entries in the plugin menu
  • Improved the MainWP Child Site Stealth mode in the premium edition
  • Improved the WordPress menus sensor (improved coverage and accuracy)

For a complete list of what is new and improved in update 3.2.4 of the most comprehensive activity log plugin for WordPress, refer to the WP Security Audit Log plugin changelog.

Beta Testers for the WordPress Activity Log Plugin

WP Security Audit Log is installed on thousands of sites and has been the leading activity log plugin solution since it all started. It was the first activity log plugin to fully support WordPress multisite, keep a log of WordPress site file changes, support reverse proxies and WAFs, and now fully support Gutenberg.

Such advancement is not possible without the help of beta testers. If you would like to help us and test the latest features of our WordPress activity log plugin before they are released to the public, we’d like to hear from you.


The post Update 3.2.4 – Activity Logs for Gutenberg appeared first on WP Security Audit Log.

Source: Security Feed

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