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WP Security Audit Log 3.5.1 is a release with a few improvements and bug fixes. It also features the new filters and sorting options for the Severity column in the activity log viewer. Read on to find out what is new and improved in this update of the #1 WordPress activity logs plugin.

Filters and sorting for the Severity column

Sorting the activity log events by severity

As shown above,it is now possible to sort the events in your WordPress activity log by the events’ severity. In WP Security Audit Log Premium you can also filter the activity log view by severity, as shown below.

Filtering the WordPress activity log view by event severity type

Until now, in the WordPress activity log there are only three different severity levels; Critical, Warning and Notification. In the upcoming updates we will include more severity levels, allowing you to have more granularity when filtering and sorting events. We will also write documentation in the plugin’s knowledge base explaining the different levels of severity and how they can help you better understand the logs.

Improved activity log sensors

In this update we have also improved several activity log sensors so the data in the activity log is more relevant to you. Here are the highlights:

Improved content and post changes sensors: there were cases in which the plugin was keeping a log of trivial automated changes. For example the plugin kept a log of a draft post date change when something else was updated in the post. Even though such change happens in the background, this is trivial information. There is no need to keep a log of it.

Improved logout detection: the plugin now detects user logouts at a much earlier stage in the process. This allows it to detect user logouts even when other plugins hook into the logout process and include additional functionality. For example, logout and redirect the user to another page.

Better support for the Classic editor: when a post is published with the Classic Editor, the WP Security Audit Log was keeping a log of trivial under the hood changes. With this update the plugin only keeps a log of the changes that are relevant to the administrators.

Other noteworthy plugin updates

In update 3.5.1 of the WP Security Audit Log plugin we have also:

  1. Added more help text and links to the plugin knowledge base,
  2. Improved formatting of daily summary email to better support Microsoft Outlook,
  3. Fixed some compatibility issues with WordPress 5.4 (thank you Chris Van Patten),
  4. Updated the plugin to work on the upcoming WordPress 5.3

For a complete detailed list of what is new and improved in this update of the most comprehensive WordPress activity log plugin, refer to the changelog.

Update to WP Security Audit Log 3.5.1

This release focuses mostly on improvements and bug fixes of existing features. We encourage you to update to this version to benefit from the most stable and accurate activity log technology for WordPress.

The post Update 3.5.1 – New filters & sorting in the activity log viewer & other improvements appeared first on WP Security Audit Log.

Source: Security Feed

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