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It has been almost four months since we released the last update of the WP 2FA plugin. So naturally, today we are very excited to announce WP 2FA 1.6.0.

Since the plugin is now used by more than 15,000 users, we are getting a lot of useful feedback. Because of the feedback, this update comes with a decent number of highly requested new features and performance improvements.

Thanks a lot for all the feedback and make sure to keep it coming!

So without wasting any more time, let’s dive right in to see what’s new and improved in this update of the two-factor authentication plugin for WordPress.

Check the 2FA status of all users

The highlight of this update is the new feature that allows administrators to get an overview of the “2FA status” of all their website users. Prior to adding this new feature, it was quite hard for administrators to quickly check who configured what.

Now admins can easily refer to the newly added 2FA status column which surely allows for a better user management.

They can see which users have or haven’t configured 2FA, which users are required to configure 2FA via policies and which not, and much more. For more details on this feature and a complete list of all the different user statuses refer to the WordPress user 2FA status feature documentation.

The user 2FA Status column in WordPress

Enforce 2FA on multisite network individual sites

With this update site administrators can now configure 2FA policies to require all users of an individual site on a multisite network to set up and use two-factor authentication.

This new policy allows you to faster configure and enforce 2FA for users on a sub site rather than having to enforce policies for every individual user. All this will definitely save you a lot of time and can help you to better manage your multisite network.

Custom redirection after 2FA wizard is completed

This new feature was mostly requested by e-commerce and membership websites as it allows for better branding and more personalized service.

Administrators can now easily redirect users which complete the 2FA setup to a custom URL. To redirect users after they set up two-factor authentication just specify the URL in the setting Redirect user after 2FA setup to. Site administrators also have the option to configure different redirect URLs for users configuring 2FA through the dashboard vs users configuring 2FA through the front-end wizard, as explained in the documentation redirect users to a custom URL after 2FA setup.

Setting to change the 2FA code page text

Users can now personalize the text on the 2FA code page. By having a more personalized message you are not only improving the ease of use for the user, but also enhancing the branding of your website. Change the text from the 2FA code page text option in the plugin’s settings.

Custom 2FA code page text

Restrict the 2FA plugin settings to all other administrators

By default, the plugin settings are accessible and can be configured by all administrators on the website. With this update administrators can now restrict access to the 2FA plugin setting, so they are restricted only to them.

This allows for better security and gives you more control on what all your other administrators can see.

Other noteworthy highlights

In this update of the plugin we have also improved and fixed many other things. The below is a highlight of the improvements worth a shoutout:

  • Backup codes are now optional – administrators can disable them, so the plugin does not suggest users to create them.
  • Standardized the text and button labels on the 2FA code page.
  • Removed reference to “WordPress” from the wizard (for users who do not want to show that they are using WordPress)

As you can see in this update of the WP 2FA we’ve included quite a few new features as well as a lot of performance and UX updates, bug fixes and improvements. For a complete and detailed list of what’s new and improved in this update, refer to the WP 2FA plugin changelog.

Update to WP 2FA 1.6.0 to benefit from all the new features and improvements

WP 2FA 1.6.0 comes with a bunch of new features and important updates. Those who use the plugin on bigger websites and / or multisite networks, and have many users will definitely benefit from this latest update.

By implementing these updates, the plugin is now more stable and efficient in terms of resources. This certainly makes it easier for admins to manage their users and enforce 2FA. Update to WP 2FA 1.6.0 and benefit from all the new features and the most reliable code.

Download WP 2FA for free and boost the security of your users’ and your WordPress login!


The post WP 2FA 1.6.0: New users’ 2FA status column & customizable redirects after 2FA setup appeared first on WP White Security.

Source: Security Feed

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