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Finally, WP Security Bloggers got some TLC!

I started this project back in 2014, so I can have a central repository for all the WordPress security news instead of following all the blogs. Over the years the idea developed into creating a WordPress security news aggregator. Though because the number of blogs from which WP Security Bloggers aggregates the news is now over twenty, it is almost impossible to automatically curate the news.

The good news is that from today onward all the news will be curated manually. This means the value and quality for you subscribers will be much higher  – you will no longer see duplicate posts and posts that are not about WordPress security.

Other Updates

Today we have also done several minor but significant changes on the website, such as:

  • We removed sources that no longer are working,
  • Deleted some of the latest posts that made it through the automated curation,
  • Added an About page etc.

Subscribe to WP Security Bloggers

To keep yourself up to date with WordPress security, subscribe to the WP Security Bloggers roundup emails, or follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

Source: Security Feed

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